15 November 2011

Homemade Apple Pie

I cant help myself sometimes, I just love dessert! Here is my first, Apple Pie and homemade crust!

1. You will need to measure out 2 1/4 Cups Flour, 1 teaspoon Salt, 2/3 cup Veg. Oil, 1/3 cup Milk. (to save a dish the oil and milk can be measured together). This will be for the pie crust. Start preheating oven 425°

2. First mix flour and salt. Then add in the oil and milk.

3. Mix all the ingredients together until they create a ball.

4. I cut the ball of dough and rolled out half for the base of the pie crust. I rolled it out on floured wax paper and floured the rolling pin as well! Things got pretty messy at this point! :P

5. The wax paper also came in handy when transfering my crust from the counter to the baking dish. I used a little bit of butter to grease it up before adding the crust.

6. You can fill in the parts along the edge because some parts will have extra and some will expose the dish...were not going for perfection here folks!

7. Roll out the second ball of dough and cut into half inch strips. (I took the dough with wax paper and set it into top of the dough in baking dish and put in the fridge until I needed it later)

8. For the crust part! : wash and peel 8 Granny Smith apples. While youre doing start step 9, it requires some mutlitasking, but the apple peeling becomes tedious.

9. Melt 1/2 cup butter in small pan.

10. Stir in 3 Tablespoons of flour until the butter and flour make a paste.

11. Next you add 1/4 cup water (my measuring cup had flour in it hence the cloudyness), 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Mix these in with the butter/flour paste.

12. Once the sugar disolves you should get a carmel-y consistancy. Once it starts boiling, drop heat to a simmer. Stir stir stir and whatever you do...dont touch! (Of course you cant have apple pie without Cinnamon, I added about 1/2 tablespoon and a few dashes of nutmeg,Mmm)

13. Get your pie crust base and add in the apples!

14. Add the top crust into a pattern. (Here you can get a little creative). In this recipe they say to add the sugar and butter mix on top, but I would add at least half of it inside too. You can decide :)

15. Bake for 15mins still at 425° then reduce it to 350° for another 35-45mins.

16. And this is the finaly result! The prep time is kinda long, but the results are WORTH it! Been eating it for breakfast and dessert all week!!

   ♥ The changes I would make to this next time would be add half the sauce inside and cut my apples in half of the size they were, but everything else was seriously DEELISH ♥

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